I don't know but I honestly think when we are born we, at that very tender age, think that we will never get old. We suckle on our mothers breasts thinking that this is it, all that life has to offer. To tell you the truth, it never is a sour deal. She runs about worrying and stuff while we just lay back and feed and sleep and when we want something, cry.
When we are at the age of terrible two's there is only one thing on our very young minds; 'Can I play all day everyday forever?' This goes on like until we are 12 years old. If you never knew it, am telling you that those were the best days of your life. You will never, ever experience such reckless abandon like that again. You didn't realize it then because you had no other experience to compare it to, but now you do. Don't you? And you begin to realize that, that right there was the life. You didn't know much about the world and how it can be such a terrible place to live in. Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

The thing is, from age 13 you think that you will never end up like your parents. You have all this energy to take on the world and all its conditioned ways. I guess that is why they call it youthful energy. You take the world head on and fight hard and fearlessly but the world has been here longer and it is very resilient. You don't even notice that you have began to get tired. You are still drunk on that youthful energy and to you every blow is just a minor set back and you will be on your feet in no time and you probably are. I'll tell you a secret I know you hadn't yet figured out. That blow that you thought was just a minor set back was busy chipping away at your youthful energy and the frequency of those blows will eventually wear you down.
By the time you dive into the job market, you are tired. Those conditioned ways of the world that you thought made your parents zombies begin to make sense to you and for some unknown reason they begin to appeal to you. Life is so hard and such a tiresome and draining experience that you begin to accept the ways of the world. You hate yourself for folding but you are tired and all you want is for the good life to start and for the hardships to end. By the time you get married, my friend, you would have completely lost the war to age. If it makes you feel any better those that went before you lost that same battle and those behind you are doomed to that same fate.