About Me

- Nairobi, Kenya
- I am an ordinary girl wanting what everybody wants. A good life that serves a purpose. I found out early in my life that writing was the only way I could express myself and explore the world and my mind without fear. I write because it gives me relief. It is my therapy, my outlet.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
This is our first class since we opened school. Yesterday was introduction to the course. Today we shall start by tracing back hatting to our forefathers. The first hatting comments were written on stone tablets in the days of homohabilis. Then when fire was discovered in i do not know when our fores started sending hate signals in the form of smoke signals. In this lesson we shall also acknowledge the peolpe who fought for our independence as haterz. Hater Martin Luther King, Hater Mzee Jomo, Hater Martin Laurence, Hater Chris Rock and Hater Bernie Mac..a moment of silence for our fallen brother........hating still lives on.Has anyone of you ever tried internet dating? its S.H.I.T. They hook you up with brother's that are walking history. Am beyond talking about MUMMY the movie this brothers are sick individuals. Then their profile photos are taken from a distance so that by the time you notice the number of wrinkles on their faces then you have already paid for the services. FUCK u internet dating for hookin my young ass with old dudes, bald dudes, kiharra dudes, dudes with saggin pecks, dudes with faces that the camera can't process and just ugly dudes. Am no Paris Hilton but at least am not a walking SCARY MOVIE 6 IN PROGRESS.If your brother is vertically measurable by a ruler then am honestly sorry for what am about to write. My brother is not short atleast i wont get my ass whooped by my mother for being mean to other people's sons.Why do short peolpe really think that they have game? No honestly, they really think that they are 'SMALL' immitations of Shakespear. Give me 5 minutes i compose myself am about to break a rib due to unprescribed laughter....................................(done). Why do short guyz like saying things like 'am SHORT sighted','i was trying to be the BIGGER man', why do you talk to me like am a KID',and my personal favourite 'LOOK ME IN THE EYE when you talk to me'. Aren't they just adorable when they sit on a chair and their feet cant touch the ground and they just dangle in mid-air. Aren't they just annoying when they start shouting for no reason to the top of their SMALL voice box or pick fights with tall dudes so that you do not forget them down there.BIG UP to NONINI for discovering MacDONALDS in America.CLASS OVER. REVIEW YOUR NOTE SO THAT YOU ARE NOT LEFT BEHIND IN THE NEXT SESSION.
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