About Me

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Nairobi, Kenya
I am an ordinary girl wanting what everybody wants. A good life that serves a purpose. I found out early in my life that writing was the only way I could express myself and explore the world and my mind without fear. I write because it gives me relief. It is my therapy, my outlet.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


You can be seating across from someone and in one of those awkward moments your eyes meet and you smile, more out of embarrassment than out of politeness and they stare at you. I mean they just stare like you did nothing and you know they saw your smile. You didn't like show him your whole dental formula and all but it was a subtle u-spread line across your lips( nothing like the joker of Dark Knight)...and the eyes ooh, the eyes smiled too and yet they just stared. Creep.

You feel so ignored, so hung out to dry in your birthday suit. You start to doubt yourself. "Was I being too forward, is it weird that I smiled, perhaps I have a third eye he can't take his eyes off of?" He's probably sitting there asking himself, "was that third-eye lady smiling at me?" Don't think am paranoid because when you find yourself in that position and in the aftermath you open your eyes like your mentally saying whoa!! Ooh!! you were mentally wondering if your third eye was busy winking at him.

I used to be that girl, that girl who looks at you in a blank stare after you smiled at her. Ooh yes! I was guilty of that crime but when it happened to me then I realized how important it is to connect. Don't get me wrong, I didn't want his number or anything nor was I looking for a conversation. I just wanted a friendly smile back and I would be well on my way. It wasn't really feedback as it was positive reinforcement but still, I wanted him to smile back because I took the effort to smile at him...damn it!

We need it, crave it, will go crazy if we put communication out there and no one is communicating back with us. The reason why I use communication is because I'm talking about anything from a gesture, to an emotion to speech, to writings. We communicate constantly and we want to know what others think, if they agree or disagree and people always agree and disagree. It's human nature, ooh sweet Lord! it's human nature...because I carried out my own experiments and I couldn't fight it. So the next time am sitting in front of you and out of embarrassment I smile at you, you better smile back or I'll will sadistically quote the Joker and ask you "Why so serious?"

It's the basis social networks were built upon. If you wrote a status update and no one commented on it, in a global village, there would be no point at all to it. You won't even feel motivated to write another.

What am trying to say is that you know when you read something or hear something there is a response in your head. That feedback is what I want you to share. Some of the most hilarious jokes were dumb stuff people said. Get that you don't have to think of a response, you already got a response, then communicate it. So the next time you read a blog post, don't just think to yourself, "that's some dumb stuff", tell somebody. Hell, tell the writer...and we promise to say thank you for your input. :-)


  1. :), and I love how you put it. Some feed back here. I looooove your writing.

  2. needy child :-D and you are funny, that i have to say.

    1. yes!!!!!!!am needy and next time i will throw an even bigger tantram...jst thinking biggest hahaha
