About Me

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Nairobi, Kenya
I am an ordinary girl wanting what everybody wants. A good life that serves a purpose. I found out early in my life that writing was the only way I could express myself and explore the world and my mind without fear. I write because it gives me relief. It is my therapy, my outlet.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

When your blog doesn't wanna hear it

Hi blog, it's been a while. We have a difficult relationship you and I. It's not even that we do not get along. It is just that we do not have time for each other. We have lost the spark. The honeymoon is long over and we are left...

How have you been? Neglected?  Ooh. That's by me, right?  I do tend to do that. Neglect. Things. People...

Time, time, time, time so bloody deceiving. You can seem to have your whole life ahead of you one minute and it's all gone the next. Tomorrow always seems ready to take up the work that was meant for today, until tomorrow becomes today. Time, you bloody bastard. You are a predator. Preying on people who know not of your wickedness.

I'm a soul in distress. I don't know. I'm a soul. I guess. I wish you could help me. Listening isn't...what I want right now. I want everything to be fine. Could you, I don't know...do that. Make everything better/fine?

It's been a while since I have written to you and yet I come here bearing gifts :-) well wrapped problems. Bear with me. Now you know how God feels. I'm not implying that, you are...God.

I'm a soul...in a lot of distress dear Blog. Where do I go to fix it. My life. To fix my life. Where do I go to fix my life?

God should have given us a timeline for our lives. Timeline written in stone like the Commandments. Specific timelines that we all know of. Not what He is doing right now. Not Him knowing what is going to happen and we ...we walking around groping in the dark.

Why do you do that? Why? No, not you blog. God. Why does God do this to us?

Who are you talking to?

I'm talking to you, my blog?

Are you sure, because I'm not God?

(Slightly irritated) I know, it's just that some questions should be directed to him. I'm having a conversation with two people. You and God... what I can't do that? You are going to limit the number of people I talk to now? What's with you?

I'm cranky too.

You're cranky?


You don't talk to me for months and then you come with a conversation you should clearly be having with someone else.  Someone who lives on the 100th floor.


Don't emoji me.

No. I mean. (Sigh!) You have never had a conversations with two people before?

Have you given someone else your login details?

(Adamantly) No!

Then no I haven't.

(murmurs) Sassy mouth.


Nothing, nothing.

Carry on.

Lost my trail of thought.

So, until next year then?

Goodness, could you give me a minute to gather my thoughts? I've really missed you. :-)



Nah I'm not being won over. (Right eyebrow raised), just go on about your blogging.

 It's cool. I'm good. If I can't stand it anymore I will get on my knees.


  1. I missed how you talk. This is a typical Linda conversation. Also, don't worry. The blog will come around

  2. It will right?...PMSing for me and I got problems :-)
