About Me

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Nairobi, Kenya
I am an ordinary girl wanting what everybody wants. A good life that serves a purpose. I found out early in my life that writing was the only way I could express myself and explore the world and my mind without fear. I write because it gives me relief. It is my therapy, my outlet.

Monday, October 3, 2011


If you have ever watched Billy and Mandy; the cartoon, there is an episode where Mandy is asked to make three wishes. By the third wish, everyone was making so much noise, nagging her that she shouted, “I wish everyone in the world would just disappear!” And there was silence. She didn’t really mean it, it was just the things you say when you are angry but when she realized that everyone in the world had disappeared, she thought “cool”. At the time I watched the episode I also thought “cool”. I thought it would be amazing to live in this world as if everybody just disappeared. Well, everybody hasn’t disappeared but God sometimes it feels that way. It isn’t as cool as I thought it would be.

I was listening to a song that I love and felt so empty and void inside and the reason why I felt so empty listening to a song that would otherwise make me feel happy or giddy was because I had no one to share it with. I don’t mean sharing in the sense of singing along with someone or even that you know that your friend also loves the song. I don’t know what I mean. I just know that there is a feeling of not being alone that makes music that much enjoyable, that makes food taste better and more filling, water look so much more crystal clear and quenching.

It is easier to think that you can do all things when you are doing nothing: to think that you can do without people when you are surrounded by them: to think that you can go on a diet when you are eating. One day I was walking with friends thinking to myself that I can do so much work and of better quality when I work on my own. I wasn’t paying attention to what they were talking about however, what resuscitated me from my mental discourse was what one of them said “You can go faster on your own but you can go further with people.” I know she got that quote somewhere, I just don’t know where.

I used to wonder what made some successes more satisfying than others.  It wasn’t just because you succeeded truthfully, through your own blood and sweat and gained so much invaluable experience and knowledge on your way up. It was because you experienced every step of your journey and shared that experience with others. At the end of a long day, you shared your day with your friends over a cup of tea or coffee, glass of wine or mug of beer. You shared your problems and laughed about something or nothing at all. So that in the future you could reminisce the far you have come, but not just you but you and your friends and family.

We are so embarrassed with the idea of wanting people around us, of needing someone around us. We feel those feelings weak and pathetic and we suppress them, ignore them, downplay them and push people away then wonder why we are so unhappy. I get it! I get it now. Humans are social beings, it is how we are designed and that is how we achieve true complete happiness.