About Me

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Nairobi, Kenya
I am an ordinary girl wanting what everybody wants. A good life that serves a purpose. I found out early in my life that writing was the only way I could express myself and explore the world and my mind without fear. I write because it gives me relief. It is my therapy, my outlet.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A bunch of keys

What is it with people and carrying a bunch of keys that have absolutely no use? I know carrying a key holder with only one key is kinda…odd but a big bunch of keys is unsightly. How does it feel holding a bunch of keys that weigh as much as a quarter kg of potatoes? Besides only older people carry keys like that.
I have a problem with clutter. I can’t stand crowded, confused spaces or things. I know how easy it is to end up with a bunch of keys but I also know how easy it is to end up with a handbag full of garbage and how to empty it. Women have a way of emptying their handbags. We do it over the weekend or on a good day in the morning before we leave the house.
Maybe it’s just me and for some reason I feel like it’s just me but there is no way you would catch me with anything that would feel heavier than my phone. If it was possible I would carry my house in my handbag and it would still feel like am carrying nothing. Things you need in the quantity that you need it.
I have a bunch of keys believe it or not and not all the keys are in use. I feel like am practicing double stands right at this moment and I sense judgment creeping in the shadows *cringe*. The reason why I complain is because my keys can comfortably fit in my pocket without altering my walking style. I hardly notice them because it is such a small bunch. Believe me, if that bunch increased to the point where I know am not carrying my keys because things feel a little lighter I will clean house.
My table always has only what it needs so does my closet, wow, so does my phone book. I would never have more than what I need and if ever you caught me with a cluttered anything, know that the day for general cleaning is fast approaching.
I can’t work in cluttered spaces. If it was possible I would arrange anything and everything but because of some minor…sawa major reasons namely stigma, abuse and laziness I control my obsessive, compulsive disorder to only organizing and cleaning things that affect my life. P.S. Men not included, I treat them like the keys that I no loner use, because they don’t work for me any more I throw them out. P.S.S. am not a man basher, am just saying.


  1. Personally I carry around a bunch of keys around especially when tipsy. It makes me feel like I own a car, Range Rover Sport 4x4 lol!!

  2. Ghafla!Guy hi,ghai am particulary bothered by pple who carry car keys without cars hahaha so u r one of those pple, does it really make u feel beta?
